Saturday, July 13, 2013

Home Sweet Home!

David, Mia, and Linda arrived safe and sound, and our family is finally all together! We are praising God and thanking Him for all that He has done! She waited so long for us . . . precious girl, you are home!

My sweet sister and her crew accompanied us to the airport, and it was such a blessing to welcome Linda home with so many who love her!

Little Linda was definitely a bit overwhelmed which we kind of expected. Not to mention that she was working on only 4 hours of sleep. However, she went right to me, held my hand, and let me hug and kiss her right away. This was such a gift! I was prepared for her to be much more hesitant to warm up to me. I am so thankful for the start of our relationship . . . I have another daughter!


We all can hardly believe that she is finally here, yet it feels so right! We love her so much, and we are all completely enamored with her!

David and Mia said Linda did great with all of the waiting, delays, and flights. She was quite the little traveler . . . and all of this was so worth it! Home at last!

The delay turned out to be a blessing in disguise since we had much more daytime together than if they had arrived the night before. It turned out to be a really special afternoon as we all got acquainted. Once we got home Linda began to relax and was very excited to explore her new surroundings.



She and Joy played and laughed together which was music to our ears! Linda has an adorable, contagious laugh, and it was so fun to see her so happy. She had a couple of shut down moments, but in a way this is good because it shows that she gets the magnitude of this moment. So many changes in a little ones life! She is just so precious, lovable, and beautiful! It is truly so humbling to know that God chose us to be her family. I know He has amazing plans for her life, and we are so thankful to be a part of it! This is just the beginning . . .