Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Cast Free!!!

Joy's cast has been removed . . . glory, hallelujah, praise the Lord!!! We are officially cast free! Oh, what a pleasure it is to hug and squeeze that cute little body! Joy handled the procedure like a pro . . . this little resilient one never ceases to amaze us! It was so fascinating to watch . . . Mia documented each step!

Ready to begin . . .

Earphones are in place . . . let the sawing begin!

"The bar will be my souvenir!"

Sawing down the sides.

The cast beginning to crack.

It's all good! Joy announces, "I am going to say 'Hi legs!'"

Prying it open!

The first portion is removed!

We can see her little leg for the first time in 4 1/2 months!

Joy gives the thumbs up . . . all is well!
To protect Joy's privacy, I won't post the final product in the doctor's office. But here are some after pictures back at home. We celebrated with In N Out . . . Joy's one request . . . "banilla" shake!

We are so thankful to the Lord for His love, faithfulness, and goodness to us! The doctor says that everything looks great, just as it should. Joy pretty much has the go ahead to do as much as she is able to physically. Immediately after the cast removal, Joy had a mold made of her right leg in order for a custom brace to be made. She will wear this brace until her leg is strong enough to attempt walking without it. We will begin physical therapy asap, and the doctor recommended pool time to help with the strengthening process. After a glorious bath, Daddy already had her up on her new legs . . .

. . . and he will be her strength until she regains it on her own! Precious!

"Shout with JOY to God, all the earth! Sing the glory of his name; make his praise glorious! Say to God, 'How awesome are your deeds!'" Psalm 66:1-3