Sunday, April 16, 2017

Happy Easter!

"He has risen!!!"

"He has risen indeed!!!"

"But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep. For since death came through a man, the resurrection of the dead comes also through a man. For as in Adam all die, so in Christ all will be made alive."
1 Corinthians 15:20-22

Saturday, April 1, 2017

6 Months Home!

It feels like a milestone . . . our precious Presley has been home with our family for half a year! Just look at this little face on the day we met her . . .

. . . and look at her now!

She is so full of life, love, and happiness! Our little "hand picked flower" is continuing to bloom and grow in the most beautiful way! We cannot imagine our lives without this sassy, sweet little thing! She LOVES her family deeply, and she loves it when everyone is together! She also knows that we all LOVE her deeply! She knows that Jesus LOVES her too, and she asks me often, "Jesus loves me?" And I reply with a resounding "YES!" always and forever!!! She is learning all about His death and resurrection. She loves to recount the story of how Jesus died, and everyone was so sad. But then everyone was happy because He is alive! And then she repeats yet again . . . "Jesus loves me!" Oh, yes He does!!!

Presley is a very special little girl, and she just seems to have a charisma about her. Her smile lights up a room, and I love waking up to it every morning! Presley loves to talk, and talk, and talk. Did I mention that she loves to talk?! Recently, as we were laying down for the night we had a conversation that went like this . . .
Me: "Presley, it's time to stop talking and go to sleep."
Presley: "Why?"
Me: "It's late, and you don't want to be tired tomorrow."
Presley: "Ok, I just talk in the morning!"
(Fair enough)

Presley loves to strike up conversations with just about anyone . . . she is a people person. However, she knows who "her people" are! She enjoys being out and about (her favorites are church, Costco, and the park), but she also loves the comforts of home and being with just "her people". Her attachment has gone so well! She talks often of China and how we went to get her and bring her home. And then she will announce her love for her family yet again, and ask again for assurance that we love her too! She is a very affectionate and loving little cutie pie!

Presley's favorite foods are pizza, spaghetti (she loves Italian flavors and especially red sauce!), and Rice Krispies with chocolate syrup (daddy introduced her to that one!). She loves animals, and her recent favorite at the zoo was the elephants.

Presley is extremely imaginative, and pretend play is one of her favorite activities. It is so precious to watch our three little girls play "family" together! Presley can also often be seen pushing around her stuffed animals or dolls in a little stroller . . . and of course, she's talking to them!

Presley loves stories and being read to. It has been amazing to watch her attention span lengthen more and more. She wants to do whatever "her girls" are doing, and they really are quite the trio! (This picture was taken on our recent trip to UNM to see "The Little Mermaid", and we rode on the Lobo Bus.)

Presley is very girly and loves all things fancy! She loves music and singing and loves to make up her own songs. If she's not talking, she's usually singing instead! She likes to perform, and she loves to dance ballet! Her desire is still to go to ballet class after her heart is fixed. And then she wants everyone to come and watch her! Oh what joy will fill our souls to watch her dance and not be out of breath! Her ballet bag is all packed and ready to go . . . she can hardly wait!

We love you, Presley Lan, more than words can say! You have fit perfectly into our family just as God had planned since the beginning of time! Here's to 6 months home, precious girl! xxoo

"Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth.
  Worship the Lord with gladness;
    come before him with joyful songs.
Know that the Lord is God.
    It is he who made us, and we are his;
    we are his people, the sheep of his pasture."
Psalm 100:1-3