Monday, April 29, 2013

Home 6 Months!

Our little Joy Joy has been ours for 6 months today! We met her for the first time in China on October 29th. Half a year . . . that feels like a milestone! It is hard to remember life without her . . . she is such a joyful presence in our family. We just can't imagine not knowing and loving this precious little girl. Here she is on that "Gotcha Day" 6 months ago . . .

And here she is today . . . the pictures say it all . . . JOY!

And here is our family . . . she is ours and we are hers . . . a perfect fit . . . knit together through love!

Happy 6 months, Joy! We love you so much!!!

Friday, April 19, 2013

Sweet Linda

We just received some new pictures of our sweet Linda! These pictures were taken by a mom who recently traveled to bring home her daughter from the same group foster home as Linda. She graciously offered to take a gift with her from us. It was another chance to tell our little precious girl that we love her and are counting the days until we can bring her home. Here she is receiving the package which included a recordable book that we read to her along with our voices saying "ni hao" (hi) and "wo ai ni" (I love you). We also sent some clothes and art supplies which we were told she likes. Additionally, the guide was able to translate and read our cards to her.

It looks like she is waving . . . so cute! We miss seeing her beautiful smile, yet just to see her sweet face is such a gift. Whenever Joy sees a picture of Linda she lovingly sighs, "Awww!" That pretty much sums it up! We love you, Linda, and we are coming soon!

Thursday, April 11, 2013

There's No Place Like Home!

When you are away from home, you always appreciate what a blessing it is. We are so happy to be home! The night spent in the hospital was a bit rough, and the discomfort for little Joy is so hard. The loving care of the kind nurses, assistants, and volunteers is wonderful, yet constant. From about midnight on, Joy was already asking for the "wagon". The wagon? She remembered that the last time she left the hospital to go home, she rode in a wagon. We're not sure how much of the hospital stay she remembers, but the wagon with the pillows was apparently a standout. A ride in the wagon = home!

Joy slept so much better in her own bed, and so did we! On our first night home last time, Joy woke up almost every hour trying to get comfortable. Last night she woke up only a few times for Tylenol and a snuggle, and then she was right back to sleep. The exhaustion has passed, and it is amazing what sleep does for a body! Thank you, Lord!
I remember speaking with an international pediatrician before we accepted the referral for Joy. She positively encouraged us that the surgeries and casting would help with our bonding. So true! Actually, going through all of this has served to enhance our bonding and confirm our attachment. When we first saw Joy in recovery she was crying and scared. I could hardly get to her fast enough! She looked at me, and instantly I saw a flood of relief in her red, swollen eyes. Tears of relief continued for a few more seconds, and then she relaxed and melted into my arms. She was comforted by my presence and my touch. And in my heart, I knew for certain that we have a bond. It goes deep. I am her mommy, and she knows it! She is my daughter, and she trusts me and depends on me. This reminds me of my heavenly Father. All I need is His presence, His touch. I can trust Him and rest in His unfailing love. What a beautiful gift! I pray that Joy will come to know and understand her heavenly Father's love for her in a deep and profound way.
"Blessed are those who have learned to acclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, O Lord." Pslam 89:15


And now 1 month down . . . 4 more spica cast months to go!


Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Surgery Success #2!

We made it . . . phase 2 of surgery is complete! Praise You, Lord! Here is our little sweetheart being wheeled away. That is the hardest part, the final hold of her little hand, the final hug and kiss! Notice that cute little left leg . . . it will be 4 months before we see it again. :(

The doctor said everything went great! Joy now has both hips back in their sockets! It is so amazing, and we are so thankful for our wonderful hip specialist of a surgeon. Also, the new tower at CHOC just opened up. It is a beautiful facility, and we are in such good hands!

Yet, ultimately we know and trust that we are in the hands of our sovereign Lord. We continue to stand in awe of His love and mercy. We give all praise and thanks to Him! We are also so thankful for all of His saints who are praying for us and Joy. The peace that we feel is a direct answer to all of those prayers. Thank you faithful prayer warriors from the bottom of our hearts!

Joy is our little trooper, and she is handling everything so well. When she woke up this time, it was already normal to be in the spica cast. She was definitely more accepting of her situation, and of course, the new cast is still pink! However, the new cast is bigger and a bit heavier, which just means a better workout for mom and dad!

Our little Joy Joy is so sweet, and she just radiates "joy" despite these intense physical trials. She brings a smile to everyone's face, and we pray that they will see Christ's love through our beautiful daughter!

Monday, April 8, 2013

Joy's Prayer Quilt

A sweet friend from our church recently gifted us with a "Prayer Quilt" for Joy. The quilt was actually made by a group of women, including our friend's grandmother, who are a part of a prayer quilt ministry at another church. Each knotted thread in this quilt represents a prayer that was said for Joy. They also left a few untied threads so that our family could tie a knot as we pray for Joy. Jake, Dean, and Mia each tied one of the knots as they prayed for their precious sister before surgery.

We had such a sweet time as a family surrounding our little one with prayer. To watch these big brothers and sister love on Joy warms our parental hearts to overflowing. They love her so much, and we are so proud of them! Joy absolutely adores each one of them! To see the tender hearts that our kiddos have toward Joy is so beautiful!
"Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ." Galatians 6:2

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Surgery #2

We are three days away from Joy's second surgery. This time we know what to expect. There is less unknown. However, now that we know, we also understand more fully what we have to do. It makes me think of Christ and what He had to do. He understood it perfectly, and He went through it all willingly and with joy. What an incredible truth! His love is that wonderful! He sacrificed His perfect life in order to offer us forgiveness and hope.

"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God." Hebrews 12:2

A dear friend recently reminded me of the fact that Joy's biological mother sacrificed. She put her hope in what is now happening for Joy. I choose to believe that she loved her daughter so much that she wanted what was best for her. She cared for her for eight months before she gave her up. These surgeries that we are facing are a fulfillment of her sacrifice. Joy has the opportunity to be whole physically. But more importantly, she has the opportunity to be whole spiritually. I pray that somehow her mother will know. I pray that somehow she may come to a saving faith in the only one who will bind up her wounds and give her hope.

"His pleasure is not in the strength of a horse, nor His delight in the legs of a man; the Lord delights in those who fear Him, who put their hope in His unfailing love." Psalm 147:11
As we prepare to go through this surgery a second time, I remember that Joy has already endured two eye surgeries without us. I think of her lying in a hospital alone without her mommy and daddy. It brings such pain to my heart, that I usually just push this thought away. Yet, I have to believe that her heavenly Father was always with her.
"Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you." Hebrews 13:5
Joy now has us with her, loving her and caring for her. God is allowing us the privilege of being His hands and feet. Lately, Joy has been asking me to sing the words, "Oh no, You never let go . . .  Lord, You never let go of me." Oh, how I pray that she will believe this with all of her heart. I pray that as she receives and understands our love that she will also receive and understand God's love for her. And I pray that she will understand that every part of her story points to a loving God who has had a perfect plan for her life since the beginning of time. Her adoption is not plan B, it is plan A. It is His plan, and He is always good!
"Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the man who takes refuge in Him." Psalm 34:8


Friday, April 5, 2013

Jesus Loves Me

To hear Joy recite the truth of this phrase simply causes my heart to dance with "joy"! To hear her trying to sing the words of "Jesus Loves Me" almost always brings tears to my eyes! Yes, Joy, Jesus does love you! God has given me a love for this child that continues to amaze me.

 "We love because He first loved us." 1 John 4:19
My love for Joy struck me so strongly on Easter as I gazed at her, my beautiful, precious child.  I pondered . . .  where was she just 6 months ago? . . .  Where was she a year ago? And now, look at her!

She has a family who loves her and who she loves! We have the privilege of telling her about our Savior and His love for her! Her adoption is complete, and she is now experiencing all of the wonderful benefits of what that truly means. She is our child! And we can hardly wait to bring another daughter home, our Linda!
"How great is the love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God!" 1 John 3:1
To be called a child of God is such an incredible truth. To be a daughter of the King overwhelms me. To have been adopted by Him is too good for words. I long for the day that my adoption will be fully complete, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever!
"I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you." John 14:18