Thursday, February 27, 2014


She has the ability to understand things beyond her years. She asks constant questions because she really wants to know the answers. She listens intently and picks up on everything you say . . . and not only what you say, but how you say it. She talks all the time, but when she is quiet her mind is thinking deeply. She says what she thinks, so you pretty much always know where you stand. She makes you feel like royalty when you give her even the smallest of gifts. She dishes out compliments freely, yet she also lets you know if she has been offended. She forgives easily and truly feels badly when she has done wrong. Her smile lights up the room, and her laugh is contagious. Her name suits her perfectly . . . she is JOY!

We recently celebrated Joy's 5th birthday! She is more than happy to tell anyone and everyone about it . . . "I'm 5 now!" is her common phrase!
Tinkerbell was her theme choice!
"Ta da!"
Our two little fairies!
Siblings and cousins!
"Now I can play Doc McStuffins!" "Lamby, my favorite!"
"Sophia the First  . . . so excited!"
Candles being lit . . . getting ready . . .
"Happy Birthday to you . . . (blowing out the candles) . . . now I'm 5 now!"
Mommy and Daddy love this girl sooooo much!
"That was sooooo much fun!"
She truly is the "joy" of our lives . . . we love you, Joy, and we celebrate the wonderful gift that you are!