Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Post Op Day 6

"Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!" Philippians 4:4

Our little princess turned a big corner today, and we cannot stop rejoicing! Our God worked a miracle and brought our baby back to us! We could tell right away this morning that Presley was more responsive, and she even smiled underneath her mask!

Her chest x-ray still didn't look perfect, but the doctors decided she could try being off of the oxygenated air pressure (cpap) at least for a few hours. Oh the smiles that produced!

We were ecstatic to see our beautiful girl's smiling face! She was so happy and began talking right away. Her voice was pretty whispery, but more and more volume is returning. It may just take time, but we are waiting to see if the doctors want to investigate further. We also saw someone about the eating/drinking issues and she watched Presley try to swallow some ice chips and jello. She was still coughing quite a bit, but it's not necessarily related to aspiration. She needs to cough to loosen everything up in her lungs which is constantly encouraged. So we will wait until tomorrow and see what the plan is for eating and drinking. We tried some jello a couple of more times, and she didn't cough at all. It made her happy to be taking something in by mouth!

Presley spent most of the afternoon sitting up in a chair which is also very helpful in breathing, coughing, and the overall health of her lungs. We read books, did puzzles, played with playdoh, did stickers, played ipad, and watched a few "My Little Pony" episodes. I was finally able to fix her hair and this made us both very happy!

Then it was time for a nap, and Presley needed to put her mask back on. She was so good and cooperative. I decided to join her, and apparently David snapped a picture!

We woke up refreshed and ready to take off that mask once again! Presley was even more herself, and she just looks so good!

We played some more, and we are about to get settled down for the night. Presley will need to wear her mask hopefully for the last time tonight, and an x-ray will tell us for sure in the morning. Everything is looking very positive, and we may just spend a couple of more days in the CICU before moving to the next unit. Once that happens home will be in sight! Thank you, Lord Jesus, for a very happy day!