Monday, June 26, 2017

Post Op Day 5

Last night it was discovered that Presley's left lung was showing signs of collapsing. Initially, this sounded concerning, but we were reassured that it is quite common after a major surgery. The breathing tube was doing all of the work for the lungs, and once extubated the lungs need to work for themselves. It can take time for the body to kick into gear, so the remedy is to give extra oxygen to support the lungs. This meant an oxygen mask for Presley, which she hasn't been too happy about. She is tolerating it, but she has had it on since midnight last night and all day today. It kind of feels like a step back, but that is still to be expected. All the rest of her vital signs are looking good, and she is no longer taking any blood pressure medication. Her oxygen saturations are 100 or at least high 90s with the mask, and she will get there without it soon. She is pretty puffy and is retaining a lot of fluid, so she is taking some medicine to help with that. She has been on some pretty heavy blood thinners, and now she is starting to take her low dose aspirin again. Once that is in her system, she can get rid of another line through her IV. However, whenever Presley has tried to take sips of water or apple juice, each time she has coughed and choked. They think she may be aspirating into her lungs which is obviously not good. We are waiting for that to be investigated further tomorrow. In the meantime they had to insert a feeding tube to start getting some nutrition into her little body. She didn't seem to mind. So eating some solid foods after the oxygen mask is removed and figuring out swallowing liquids will be on the agenda tomorrow. When she was talking her voice was very quiet, so there may also be some inflammation or damage to nerves around her vocal chords. We have been told this will improve over time. Healing takes time!

 Presley has been pretty shut down today, and she has hardly talked at all. The combination of coming off of heavy medications, going through a complex surgery, and adjusting to a body attempting to begin working in a new way is taking its toll. She has been so sweet and is handling every poke and procedure like a champ. Yet, not crying and screaming through the blood draw isn't our same feisty Presley! Ironic! She seems depressed and has just kind of accepted her situation. She is lethargic, not quite with it, and her energy level is not even close to her normal. Again, we have been told over and over that the way she is behaving and regressing is completely normal especially for a child of her age and development. We just miss our smiley, spunky, talkative, little ball of energy! We are praying for her quick return, and we will continue to take baby steps forward each day. It hurts our hearts to see our little precious this way, but it is our privilege to cheer her on through each phase of this journey!

Poor little sweetie! The lyrics to an old church song we used to sing came to mind today . . .

"It's a happy day, and I thank God for the weather
It's a happy day, living it for my Lord
It's a happy day, things are gonna get better
Living each day by the promises in God's word"

Psalm 119:50 – “This is my comfort in my affliction, that Your promise gives me life.”