Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Heart Cath

Presley's heart catheterization is scheduled for early tomorrow morning. This is the first step in receiving answers about our girl's unique and special heart. We are expectant as we look forward to the known versus the unknown, yet at the same time we are dreading the process. We know what it feels like to have our baby whisked away from us to the operating room. I don't think that moment will ever be okay with this mama's heart! We know that our precious Presley has already endured two surgeries in China, and she spent a significant amount of time in the hospital. While we are so grateful that she received the gift of surgery, she endured it alone, without her mommy and daddy by her side. The hospital scene may stir up unpleasant memories for her, and we have no idea how she will react. But this time she will absolutely know without a shadow of a doubt that mommy and daddy are with her always and forever. And every day of her life we will continue to speak truth into her heart and mind that Jesus is with her,
 and He will never leave her or forsake her! 

We believe that our precious Presley will be in good hands humanly speaking. However, our trust does not ultimately lie in the hands of the surgeon but in our God, the Maker of heaven and earth. He created Presley, complicated heart and all. We believe that her life will bring glory to His name! Our sovereign, good God is in control of every detail of our precious daughter's life. Where else can we place our trust, but in His ever loving, faithful hands!

 “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life" John 6:68

So, tomorrow we will take this step that God has planned for us. We will pray fervently for the Lord to give us His perfect peace even when our hearts are feeling the effects of the storm. As Presley trusts us to take care of her, we pray that she will learn to trust in her Savior (a.k.a. her "Baby Jesus"). We pray that this sweet, sassy face will return quickly after it's all over!

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9