Wednesday, May 4, 2016

"How is She Doing?"

Not a day goes by that I don't think about her, pray for her, question her whereabouts, ponder how she feels, both physically and emotionally. A common question the girls ask is, "What is Presley doing now?" We count the hours ahead and guess at where she might be and how she is spending her time. We try to picture her, and we comfort ourselves by imagining her happy little face with a big smile on it. I look at her pictures over and over again, and my heart aches for her.
The reality is that we have no idea how she really is doing. Thankfully, the true comfort comes in trusting that her heavenly Father is with her, He sees her, and He knows exactly what she is doing and how she is doing every second of every day!

We sent a care package to our little Presley Lan Lan with a photo album of our family, a letter to the orphanage director and nannies, and treats meant to be shared.

A very special lady who lives in China works with our adoption agency to orchestrate sending care packages to sons and daughters who are waiting for their families. We know that the package was received, and she told us that "they liked it very much". What joy to know that Presley has seen us, and she may begin to grasp in a small way that she has a family who loves her and is doing everything they can to bring her home. We pray that we may be a bit familiar to her when we meet for the first time. However, we also know that when she sees pictures of these strange, unfamiliar faces in photos she may have no understanding at all of who we are.

Presley's birthday is coming up, and oh, how we wish we could be with her! But since we cannot, we are going to send her a birthday party package. She will receive a cake and treats to share with her friends. Again, we hope and pray that she will somehow know that this is one small way to show her how much we love and care about her. We will celebrate her four precious years of life, and we can't wait to introduce her to the One who gave them to her! We hope to receive pictures and video of her "birthday party" which would be a huge blessing.

So, for now I will continue to ponder, dream, and wonder about our precious girl. I will pray for her heart, her health, and her happiness. I will remember that He knows her and He holds her future in His hands!

"Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows." Luke 12:7