Saturday, July 20, 2013

3 More Days!

That's it . . . just 3 more days for Joy's casting! It is actually happening . . . we are about to be cast free! It has been 4 and a half months including 3 surgeries and 4 different casts. What an amazing little trooper Joy has been! We all agree that none of us would have been able to handle it as well as she has. We are so thankful to God Almighty for giving us the strength to endure during this season. Joy has been counting down the days and pondering this upcoming moment!

There are still many unknowns as we enter into life without a cast. It's so strange to say that Joy being in a cast is normal and familiar to us. Change is again coming, and we don't know exactly what to expect. However, we can hardly wait for Tuesday! And we know that our Lord will help us and that He will go before us to guide our every step. (Those are literal steps for Joy!)

The very first thing Joy wants to do is take a bath with Lindy . . . so cute! We have in our possession the most miniature sized walker you have ever seen! Joy will also be fitted for braces the day after the cast comes off. She will probably wear them until her legs are strong enough to bear her weight. We pray that Joy's determined, resilient spirit will serve her well during the process of learning to walk . . . and then run . . . and dance . . . and jump! We know it will take time to accomplish these goals, but we are so hopeful. We pray that Joy will remain full of "joy", cling to her Savior, and learn to rely on Him! We love you Joy Joy, and we know that you can do it!

"Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings. My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me." Psalm 63:7-8