Thursday, June 27, 2013

Going to China!

"Kai shing!" . . . translation: "I feel so happy!" Tomorrow is the big day . . . going to China! Our beautiful, precious daughter will join our family forever.

"I prayed for this child, and the Lord has granted me what I asked of Him." 1 Samuel 1:27
After almost two years of praying and waiting, little Linda will be ours! God has divinely placed her in our family, and we thank Him for His goodness. With much anticipation this day has finally come! Although it is huge (change usually is), peace that surpasses understanding is ours to claim. And this is only possible because we know the Prince of Peace. He promises to be with us wherever we go . . . what an awesome truth! Into the unknown we go, following our Good Shepherd where He leads!
Precious daughter and sister, we can't wait to meet you, love you, and tell you of our wonderful Savior!
Leaving friends behind, and leaving what is familiar and comfortable may be hard . . .  

Yet, God is writing a beautiful story . . . one of redemption and love! We pray God's comfort to your tender heart and a strength in your spirit. We pray that as you learn to trust us, you will learn to trust the One who created you.
"I will be your God throughout your lifetime. I made you, and I will take care of you." Isaiah 46:4
We can't wait to meet you, Linda! We love you and Jesus does too!