Friday, June 16, 2017

Fun Date!

Yesterday I took out my little girls for a quick date before we leave to Boston. It was an extremely hot day, so we didn't last long at the park and headed to Starbucks for a promised frappacino. These two were in heaven!

I am going to miss these precious faces so much!!!

And this little one is not so much a fan of the frappacino (or so I thought), and she requested chocolate milk, one of her favorites!

The girls offered her a taste of theirs, but she politely refused. However, when she found out that mommy was drinking a special treat of her own, a chai frappacino, that changed everything! She had sampled a taste of chai at Costco, and loved it! So, before I knew it she had taken over my treat . . .

The girls sitting across the table thought this was hilarious! Joy snapped a picture of me trying to still get in there and enjoy my (I mean "our") treat!

We talked and laughed and created a special memory! It was just one of those moments that was full of happiness! I will cherish it forever, especially in the days to come!