We received our pre-approval today! Yay for PA! So, now we can share our beautiful daughter! She completely melts my heart! When she looks directly into the camera, I was a goner!
This collage was made from her video by big sis, Mia!
Some observations (personal and from her care takers) . . .
When she first sees the camera, she seems to enjoy it! (not camera shy)
She's fancy! (notice the pink frills)
She likes imitating her older brothers and sisters. (the stringing of the beads, she'll fit right in)
She learns quickly. (good fine motor skills)
She's focused and proud of herself when she accomplishes her task. (smirky smile)
She's happy and smiley! (confirmed)
She's a good sport. (laughing when tickled)
She's active. (a good sign)
If another child makes something wrong, she tells the teacher. (a hall monitor . . . we already have a couple of those, so it's totally fine)
When her caretaker teases her by telling her that she is going to hold another child, she responds jealously and tells the grandma that she likes her and to please hold only her! (the girl's got spice)
Sweet and spicy! (just how we like it)
She's absolutely adorable! (confirmed)