Friday, December 9, 2016

The Results

The heart cath is complete, and we are so thankful to have it behind us! Presley handled everything beautifully, and we couldn't have asked for anything more. We checked in bright and early at 6:00 a.m., and our little patient got all prepped and ready to go!

Presley drank her "sleepy juice", so she was in a pretty happy place when the anesthesiologist, who was so kind, came to carry her away. That was the hardest moment! We were then able to remain in our private prep room because it was also to be Presley's recovery room. This was a blessing! We received an update about half way through that everything was going well, and Presley was stable. The entire procedure took almost 4 hours, and then the doctor came to talk to us.

She gave us the news that she believes Presley is a good candidate for a full repair of her heart! This is the best case scenario, and we just stood there and rejoiced. Our girl is definitely a complicated little thing, and the surgery will be difficult and the recovery long. Our doctor wants to send us to a hospital where the surgeons have experience with this type of surgery as well as a pediatric cardiac intensive care unit. She knows that we are from southern CA, and so she wants to try to send us there. This would just be such a gift since we are so familiar and comfortable there. Our doctor handed us several pictures of the inner workings of Presley's heart, and she proceeded to explain it all to us. I have to admit that our minds started to gloss over, and so we will need some time to continue to understand it all as we process the situation. However, we learned that the surgery Presley received in China saved her life, and for that we are in awe! We know whose hands are holding our precious girl's heart, and our trust in Him is absolute. Presley's life is a gift to be cherished, and we are just so thankful that our God has entrusted us to be the parents of this amazing little girl!

Presley returned to the room, and we were so relieved to be able to be with her once again. Although she was very groggy, she opened her eyes briefly to see that mommy and daddy were there right by her side!

She became alert pretty quickly, and was amazingly content. She didn't like all the hook ups, but she tolerated them and was a good little patient. Presley's oxygen levels usually hang out in the 70s when compared to a normally functioning heart which should be close to 100. So she received some extra oxygen, and she then had to lie still for the next 5 hours. The cath went into her neck and leg, and she needed to keep her leg flat and still as to avoid any bleeding or clotting. We settled in for the afternoon, and Presley began to drink some fluids. She said she was hungry, and her food request was pizza! "Monkey George" and pizza made this girl quite happy!
Around 5:00 we received word that we could be prepped to go home! The first step is done, and our hearts are so thankful! Presley has to stay calm for the next few days (easier said than done!), and now we will wait to see how the plans for her surgery unfold.

"Rejoice in the Lord always! I will say it again; REJOICE!" Philippians 4:4