Monday, May 5, 2014

"Poor Joy Joy!"

We all chanted this phrase last night as Joy took a trip to the ER accompanied by Daddy. She fell outside and hit her little head against the fence in the backyard. "Poor Joy Joy!" Unfortunately, she does fall often . . . but she usually just bounces right back up and keeps going. However, this time when she fell she hit the back of her head in just the right spot which split it open. She wasn't too phased by what could have been a traumatic experience and actually was quite jolly about the whole thing. The poor girl has spent way too much time in hospitals and doctors' offices. I guess this does come as a benefit when an emergency visit is in order. David said she was quite the celebrity, politely saying "hi" to everyone she met, shedding not a single tear, and enjoying the hospital playroom . . . for 3 1/2 hours! Why does it always take sooo long?

She came home with a teddy bear, stickers, lots of smiles, and 1 staple in her head. David said that as they pulled into the driveway, Joy told him, "Thank you, Daddy, for taking me." Could she seriously be any cuter?