Lindy's most recent "all by myself" moments include buckling herself into her car seat, writing her name, and swimming a short distance in the pool. She is capable of so many things, yet learning new things does not come easy. She is trying so hard, and the girl really does have an amazing determination.
Joy's most recent "all by myself" moments include standing up from a sitting position on the floor, going up and down the stairs (as unconventional as it may be), and doing a somersault. She is working so hard, and we celebrate each milestone in her physical progress.
So, we will continue to seek to find the balance between encouraging these "by myself" moments and also meeting the need for help when necessary. We pray that God gives us wisdom to know what is best as we assure our little ones that we will always be there for them . . . encouraging, helping, cheering, and applauding their victories!