Monday, October 15, 2012

Special Preparations

We continue to count down the days . . . we will be leaving in just over a week. It is strange how the days can seem to be flying by, yet time is slowly ticking. The preparations are in full swing. It is almost time to start the packing, to empty the bags of  "stuff for China". Those little clothes hanging in the closet are almost ready to find their way into a suitcase.

Joy's bed is empty, waiting for a little precious China doll to occupy it. For now, her little dollies wait for her. They will be in her arms so soon . . . and she will be in ours!


Today we received an adorable backpack that we ordered for Joy. This will be for her special things, a concept that she has probably never experienced. We can't wait to load it up with art supplies, stickers, books, and treats. Yet, these things are a dim reflection of the love and blessings that we desire to give her. Our heavenly Father blesses us with good gifts, yet nothing can compare to His unfailing love!

My mind spins at times with all that needs to get done, yet my heart is at peace. That's only possible because . . . "the peace of God which transcends all understanding is guarding my heart and my mind in Christ Jesus." This incredible peace leads to just one word . . .