Seasons are a metaphor for change. I have always known this to be true, yet I have experienced it in a new way living in an environment in which the seasons actually do change. In southern California (where I lived my entire life until this past year) the seasons are there, yet the change is not dramatic. Over this past year, we have weathered the seasons, literally, and it has caused me to reflect on change. The changing of the seasons is necessary; creation depends on it. Our lives are always changing causing us to depend on our Creator. One season rolls into the next leaving memories behind, yet moving into something new and different. Each season brings with it experiences to be treasured, although change is also difficult to endure. I am constantly learning to embrace each season for both the joys and the sorrows, knowing that is has been planned intentionally by our Lord for good.
"He made the moon to mark the seasons; the sun knows its time for setting." Psalm 104:19
We moved last summer. A new season. Summer = fun! Life slows down, school is out, the schedule is relaxed, lazy days, enjoying our new home, vacations, and a trip to the zoo!
However, summer is hot and uncomfortable. For me, the change set in, and I began missing the routine, the familiar, the comfortable. Inevitably, summer rolls into fall and brings with it cooler days and a changing beauty.
Watching the trees change was enthralling! I have always loved fall . . . I love a new school year with freshly sharpened pencils. I look forward to getting back into a routine. I love all things pumpkin and the smell of cinnamon and spices. This past fall I learned to love a new smell . . . roasted New Mexico green chile! Fall is when we first saw Lindy's face and when we brought home Joy. This past fall is when we decided to add another precious daughter to our clan. And we pray that by next fall she will be home! However, fall also brings colder temperatures, of which I am not a fan . . . winter is coming.
Winter for us brought snow . . . right in our own backyard! Snow is sparkling white and clean and beautiful! Winter is Christmas, and family, fires, hot chocolate, cozy, warm blankets and celebrations! Our Savior come to earth!
However, here, winter was also brown and stark, trees without leaves. It was cold, and again, I'm not a fan! Yet, eventually, buds began to appear. And before I knew it, spring was coming! I have never seen so many beautiful flowers growing on trees! It is a divine reminder that change is taking place, preparing to bring with it new life! Spring is our Savior's death to bring us life! Spring brings warmer days, fragrant blossoms, and an anticipation of the promised days of summer.
Spring also brings with it extremely windy days! Never before have we experienced living in the dusty gusts of dessert winds, and I have to say it's not very pleasant. However, spring points to the end of the school year, and we are all looking forward to it! Yet it also brings the kids getting another year older, growing up before our eyes! Summer is around the corner, and a whole year will have passed.
Change is inevitable. A new season is always waiting in the wings. Each season is meant to be embraced, enjoyed, and savored. Each season brings with it wonder and beauty, and each season brings with it lessons to be learned, often times through discomfort. I long to appreciate the seasons for all that they bring, and most of all to trust in the One who created them!
"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under heaven." Ecclesiastes 3:1